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From Arles to Treves

The second child of Constantine and Fausta was born soon JL after they moved from Arles to Treves. It was a girl and though he assured Fausta that its sex made no difference to...

Persians following Galerius

“This must have been Carrhae all over again,” Dacius said. “I only hope Galerius suffered the same fate.”For a moment Constantine was too much in the grip of the horror he was witnessing to...

Destroying their intended victims

The chances of very many of those under attack getting safely across the broad flood, here almost half a mile in width, appeared hopeless. The Persian cavalry were quite busy and had not yet...

Sometimes called Europos nowadays

Lucius Catullus put a finger on the map. “There is a ruined town here at Dura it’s sometimes called Europos nowadays. I’m sure you can cross there, though you may have to swim a...

Many persons into his intimacy

And in legal disputes each of the two would pretend to favor one of the litigants, and compel the man with the worse case to win: and so they robbed both disputants of most...

Jerking open the door

Before Constantine could shout a warning to the eunuch who had taken his place in the bed, he heard a muted cry of triumph from the assassin followed by a moan from the bed....

Constantine assured her

“What is it, dearest?” he asked.“I almost betrayed you by believing Father was sincere, when he seized control here,” she admitted.“I knew you had no part in his plan,” Constantine assured her. “What changed...

My sister Fausta

“Please forgive my brother for being a bore, Tribune,” she said with a dazzling smile. “Word of how you stopped the whole army of Narses before Antioch has reached us, so naturally he is...

The Temple of Jupiter

Through the crowdlined streets of the city, many of whose people had never even seen the Senior Augustus, the procession moved at a majestic slow pace. At the Temple of Jupiter, Diocletian dismounted from...

Diocletian and Maximian

The triumph of Diocletian and Maximian could hardly bear comparison with previous ceremonials marking the entry of Rome’s great heroes into the city after some of their spectacular victories. Aurelian, for example, had forced...

My sister Fausta


From Arles to Treves